Butterflies by Matthijs Maris 1874

Sunday, May 23, 2010

With Love


With Love

~Put no demands on love, and love will bring you much.
~Give love away, and it will be yours in greater and greater abundance.
~With love, what was weak will grow strong.
~With love, what was impossible becomes real.
~Love can find the beauty and value in even the most desperate situation.
~Love will bring hope where nothing else can.
~Though love cannot be explained, it can never be denied.
~Love has its own reality that transcends the most oppressive limitations.
~Love elevates what it touches to a higher dimension.
~When love is present, fears are calmed, wounds begin to heal, and joy is gloriously within reach.
~Love, not because there is a reason, but because there is the possibility.
~Love, and you will know what you cannot understand.

~ Ralph Marston